Xamarin studio
Xamarin studio

xamarin studio

From previous review, an annotated image showing XAML with annotations to views, layouts, behaviours, data binding, etc. Also, image is not available in cited source: looks like citation is wrong. "While, custom renderers" change to "Custom renderers" "user-interface": change to "user interface": used in more than one place Instead can say, "For details, refer to officially documented (link-here)." "apps are (link-here)": not a good way to link to other sites, particularly from SEO perspective. "Except iOS, Android": wrong use of Except word: instead can say "Apart from." Which IDEs have support for XF other than Visual Studio? "Visual Studio is the recommended IDE": important claim but no citation. first para: same citation is used: sufficient to include it end of the para "mobile apps (iOS or Android), UWP apps": grammar: change to "mobile apps (iOS or Android) and UWP apps" UWP: acronym should be expanded with a short description of UWP apps

xamarin studio

Benefits: Add more details to this answer, including case studies from industry. answer should go into inner details of how XF works: this has some details: ģ. delete first two paras, third para is okay How it works: same comment as previous review

xamarin studio

content is fine but writing style can be better.

Xamarin studio